广州阳致机电科技有限公司是中国领先的产品认证和检测服务公司。我们的服务范围涉及机械、电器、建材、压力设备、游艇、玩具、医疗设备等各大领域,可以提供产品认证、测试服务,同时为企业提供相关产品欧洲和俄罗斯标准的培训和咨询服务。 |
CE certification of machines and equipments for CE marking
Accreditation and recognition
Accredited by the Romanian Accreditation Association – RENAR,according to EN 45011 (ISO/CEI 65:1996 guide);Notified by the Europeean Comission in the CE Official Journal with the identification number NB 1802, for the activity of products certification。
Research Design and Industrial Production
Computer Aided Design in the fields of: *Mechanics *Pneumatics *Hydraulics *Electronics and automation *Manufacturing and validation of projects in the fields of ISCIR and nuclear. For the manufacturing of models and prototypes,CEPROM has a production/manufacturing area staffed with 21 highly qualified workers, with an average work experience of 18-20 years。
Other activities
Certification of management systems. Research and Testing Laboratory. Services. Technical expertise of state of industrial machinery,equipments and installations. Elaboration of ISCIR documentations for lifting appliances. Environmental Balances. Environmental Impact Studies。